Dee Snider Says Pro-Choice Politicians Can Use Twisted Sister Song

Dee Snider may not want certain politicians using his song in their campaigns, but he is fine with the pro-choice politicians.

Twisted Sister’s 1984 hit  “We’re Not Gonna Take It” has circulated the political sphere by none other than Donald Trump during his 2016 presidential campaign. Although Snider was initially fine with Trump’s use of the song, he distanced himself from the politician and ended up revoking permission.

When Snider was asked about the song this week, he said current candidates for 2020 would be allowed to use the song as long as they advocate for a woman’s right over her own body.

“There’s a simple litmus test here: Are you pro-choice?” Snider explained. “And by pro-choice, I mean all choices. I mean, pro-people’s rights to choose, particularly a woman’s right to choose. I feel very strongly. And that is the litmus test… So yeah, if you’re pro-choice, yeah, go for it.”

Read the full story on Loudwire.


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