Full Metal Jackie of Whiplash Discusses Her Experiences in Rock and Metal with Matt Pinfield

Full Metal Jackie of Whiplash Discusses Her Experiences in Rock and Metal with Matt Pinfield

KLOS’s own Full Metal Jackie is heavily immersed in the metal and rock world. For this episode of New & Approved, Jackie joins Matt to discuss all of her past and present ventures in music.

Jackie talks with Matt about her obsession with music while she was growing up in New Jersey. From the age of 14, Jackie was constantly attending metal shows and falling in love with radio along the way. She discusses her earliest days in radio and how inspired she was by Matt himself. Matt also brings up when the two of them paired together to host Myspace Music’s first livestream event.

Jackie is a woman who wears many hats in music. Along with radio, she also is a manager, works for a record label, and lots more that we learn about in this interview. She also discusses some of the many bands she has managed, including Five Finger Death Punch.

You can catch Whiplash with Full Metal Jackie on KLOS every Monday and Tuesday at midnight to hear classic metal and get a taste for new metal.

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