Jack Black and Kyle Gass Join Matt Pinfield To Discuss Tenacious D’s Latest Who Medley

Jack Black and Kyle Gass Join Matt Pinfield To Discuss Tenacious D’s Latest Who Medley

Jack Black and Kyle Gass have shown the world the perfect combination of hard rock and humor since they formed Tenacious D in 1994. As expected, the duo provided some fantastic entertainment when they joined Matt Pinfield for this episode of New & Approved.

Tenacious D just released a new single “The Who Medley,” which (as the title gives away) is a medley of three Who songs from their 1969 rock opera “Tommy.” Black and Gass discuss how “Tommy” was a huge influence on the early days of Tenacious D and how they have been playing tunes from the album for over twenty years.

The duo also talk about how honored and humbled they are by the love they have experienced throughout their career. They still consider themselves “recipients of the glory of rock” and are proud to keep this genre alive.

Tenacious D just finished a Pacific northwest leg of their tour and will soon be picking up on the East Coast. Black and Gass also discuss their future plans with Matt including a possible new album in the works.

Be sure to check out Tenacious D’s “The Who Medley” and watch the new music video coinciding with the release here:

#mattpinfield #newandapproved #tenaciousd #jackblack #kylegass


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