More than 100 acts have expressed their support for Led Zeppelin over legal action concerning “Stairway to Heaven.”
As the case goes on, a group including Tool, Sean Lennon, Korn, the Songwriters of North America, and the Nashville Songwriters Association International, are all supporting Led Zeppelin. “There was no evidence presented at the Led Zeppelin trial that the otherwise unprotected elements that appeared in ‘Taurus’ were presented in such an original pattern or compilation as to garner copyright protection,” according to the amicus brief that was filed with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.
A California federal jury initially rejected claims that Led Zeppelin stole the riff from Spirit’s “Taurus” for the intro of “Stairway to Heaven.” However, someone on Zeppelin’s legal team admitted that the riff exists in public domain, which opened the case up to appeal by Michael Skidmore, who is representing the late Spirit songwriter, Randy California.
Read the full story on Ultimate Classic Rock.